Prioritize Your Creativity

Hello my fellow creators and faithful readers, I have a confession to make. I have not been prioritizing my creativity. We've talked about how there is a growing creativity gap in our society. And in my last post, I explained why we are in a new age of creativity that… [CLICK BELOW TO READ MORE]

Now Is The Age of Creative Business

The most successful people in the world are the ones that have a talent for creative problem solving. The ability to design products and campaigns that fit the marketplace is a hallmark of a good businessperson. So why are we facing such a huge creativity crisis in our economy? Why… [CLICK BELOW TO READ MORE]

Go On, Put Yourself Out There!

Even if it terrifies you. Even if you think your art should speak for itself. Yes, even if you're an introvert! To be honest, I actually identify as an extrovert. Although I do often desire some down time and process many things best by myself, I still find that what… [CLICK BELOW TO READ MORE]

Being Liked AND Respected

Can you be liked AND respected as an artist? In the arts world, many of us have found it common to face a lack of respect from others about what you do. I too understand what it's like to face the discouraging words of family and friends who don't think… [CLICK BELOW TO READ MORE]

Get Ahn With It! And Action!

I like to say that I'm action-oriented. I have a bias for action. I realize there's a joke in there somewhere about how I also make action films. But in every aspect of my life, this is a mantra I've always strived to embody. I’ve always been a get-shit-done kinda girl. I… [CLICK BELOW TO READ MORE]

The Journey Begins with Quest #1: What Is It?

Enter you and your vision for a more Productive business around your art. Your Productive Artist journey starts with the same first question that I always ask myself, "What Is It?" - which is why it became the first Quest in my signature business planning method, as detailed in my… [CLICK BELOW TO READ MORE]

The Productive Artist is on a Podcast!

Goodness groceries! What an incredible and rewarding journey this has been so far as The Productive Artist - not to mention the journey that got me here! Just the other day, some of my close girlfriends and I were ruminating on our life goals that we've accomplished so far, and… [CLICK BELOW TO READ MORE]